jueves, 11 de julio de 2024

Nagron line-art

Sleep, Agron (A Nagron Fanfic)

Agron had always thought he could withstand physical pain well. He was a strong man, a beast from the east of the Rhine. And yet here he was, frightened like a small boy even though he did not want to admit it to himself. Two Romans held him tightly and stretched his arms out on a wooden plank. Caesar, with a triumphant smile, waited with nails and hammer. They were going to crucify him. His heart was beating fast. He gulped. But he would not let the fucking Romans see him like this, so he spent what little energy he had left on glaring at them all. Caesar's traitor bent down and drove a nail into Agron's palm. After a heavy hammering came the pain. And there was still more to come. The gladiator could not help but let out screams of agony to the delight of his captors, who enjoyed the suffering of others (and more so in someone from Spartacus' inner circle). For an instant, the Germanic thought crossed his mind to say everything he knew, to betray Spartacus so that the nail would no longer pierce his flesh and bones. But no, he had to make an effort and restrain himself. Besides, it was too late to speak, his sentence on the cross had been signed. He soon cursed himself that such a dastardly thought had crossed his mind. His screams continued to flood the camp, making him the centre of all eyes, both from comrades and enemies. The pain in his hands spread through his arms and the dead weight of his battered body as he was lifted did nothing to improve his situation. For that is how he lay, dying, a step between this world and the next. One by one, the Romans left. The last was Caesar, who gazed at him under the cross.

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2024






COLECCIÓN: Análisis de una serie

VOLUMEN: SéptimoGuía no oficial de ‘Spartacus’; vol. 7 VII. LA HOMOSEXUALIDAD EN ‘SPARTACUS’


Las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo han tenido distintos grados de aceptación

a lo largo de la historia y en las distintas culturas. Para la sociedad romana, la homosexualidad

masculina estaba permitida siempre y cuando respetase una serie de condiciones. La serie de

televisión ‘Spartacus’ ha querido llevar esta situación un paso más allá y dar una importante

representación al colectivo LGTB, un hecho que le ha traído más de un problema con su


The relationships between same-sex people have had varying degrees of acceptance

through history and across cultures. For Roman society, male homosexuality was permitted as

long as you respected certain conditions. The TV series ‘Spartacus’ wanted to bring this

situation one step further and give an important representation to the LGTB community, a fact

that has brought more than one problem with its audience.


gladiador, roma, homosexualidad, bisexualidad, serie, spartacus
